Planning your Wedding at BCPF

The rustic, log cabin chapel and the outdoor amphitheater at Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship are both ideal venues for your wedding.  You are welcome to inquire about holding your wedding at the church. Please send an e-mail to the church:

You should know that your wedding at BCPF will be more than a social occasion.  As a ministry of the church, it will be witness to the sanctity of marriage and to the good news of the Gospel.  It will include the reading of Scripture, prayer, the vows of bride and groom, and the proclamation the marriage in the name of God.  Ordinarily, at least three sessions of pre-marital counseling with the BCPF pastor are required before your wedding can be held at the church.

The BCPF pastor gladly works with your wedding planners, another member of the clergy, your photographers, and others to make sure that your wedding is all that you hope it will be. 

Please consult the BCPF Wedding Policies for more information.