We would love for you to visit us!
At Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, we know that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. We hope that the information here will help you know what to expect. Most of all, we want you to know that you will be welcomed here!
Where are you located?
The church is located just north of the town of Nashville, Indiana at 602 State Road 135 North.
What time is the worship service?
Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. Please join us for adult Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. before worship. Our study always focuses on some book of the Bible or on some issue important to Christian faith and life.
What can I expect?
Our Sunday worship begins informally with a time of gathering, announcements, and celebrating our community. We always recognize birthdays and anniversaries, so come prepared to sing! You will be invited—but by no means pressured—to introduce yourself if you are visiting for the first time.
Worship is traditional, following a common pattern for congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA). It includes the singing of hymns, corporate confession of sin and an assurance of God’s forgiveness, taking up a voluntary offering, and praying for the concerns of the church and community.
Pastors Scott and Mac always preach sermons based on a passage from the Bible, and emphasize the good news of God’s abundant love and unending forgiveness.
Every third Sunday of the month—and on special occasions—we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (also known as the Eucharist and communion). Everyone who professes faith in Jesus is welcome to participate.
We have a time of fellowship and conversation over coffee after Sunday worship service. Everyone is welcome to attend.
How should I dress?
No matter what you wear, you will be welcomed!
Many people come to worship in casual, everyday clothes appropriate for their jobs. Others prefer to dress more formally. Few wear their “Sunday best,” except on very special occasions (like Easter Sunday).
Pastors Scott and Mac almost always wears clothes that can be considered “Friday business casual.” They do, however, wear the traditional preaching robe and stole during worship.
What about my children?
Children of all ages are welcome in Sunday worship. Ordinarily, school-age children under 12 years old begin worshipping in the sanctuary, and are excused after the children’s moment to attend age-appropriate Sunday School. But if you children prefer to remain with you in worship, they are welcome to do so.
Child-care for infants and toddlers is also available in our nursery. Just ask one of our ushers upon your arrival if you would like child care during the service.